Getting a poem published is a slooooow process. I wrote & submitted "Radial Cracks" in Nov 2019. It was accepted by a journal in March 2020. It appeared in that journal in July 2020. In October 2020, I got an email that that journal was now defunct--and so that poem became homeless.
Then, on Twitter, I found Full House Literary Magazine, one of the few journals who will accept poems that have been published elsewhere! I first started following them because of their podcasts, which are so awesome. Just listening to them feels like being in a workshop again (in a good way)!
I am so happy for "Radial Cracks" to again have a home (& a lovely one)! Wildcard Issue 2 launched this week! Check it out and, if you're on Twitter, follow the writers!
I had read in the recent past about some journals accommodating reprints only if the pieces had been previously published by an unethical or now-defunct journal. But I hope in the future, more journals are open to reprints.